Sandy is a retired nurse. For the last seven years she has volunteered with St John Ambulance at the Hastings Homeless Service in the Seaview Centre.  

As the Volunteer Lead Nurse, Sandy treats everything from leg ulcers to head wounds. She has cared for people who have overdosed and collapsed in the hall outside. Her work at Hastings Homeless Service, however, is so much more than physical care. The medical treatment for these patients is a way to do something just as important - talk to them, and listen to their needs without judgment.

"This place helps anchor people in stormy lives."

Each appointment is as long as the patient needs. "These people have chaotic lives", Sandy explains. "They move around where life takes them. They’re in a whirlwind. They don’t have resources. Some have mental health problems. This place helps anchor people in stormy lives."

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