Our Executive Committee

The Executive Leadership Team of St John Ambulance is responsible for delivering our ambitious "2019 – 2022 strategy: Serving your communities" led by our boards of trustees.

Ahead of creating our new strategy St John Ambulance moved to a new leadership structure in January 2022. Our Executive Committee (ExCo) is composed of the senior executives who report directly to the CEO. The team has responsibility for defining and executing the charity’s strategic pathway and for supervising the various specialist functions within the charity. 

While ExCo focuses on future strategy and public leadership, our Executive Leadership Team (ELT) of directors ensures operational delivery. 

ExCo is responsible to the boards of Trustees of the charity, St John Ambulance, and its parent charity, the Priory of England and the Islands of the Order of St John.


Martin has been Chief Executive at St John Ambulance since January 2018. He has a strong track record in leading the development of public service delivery and in policy change with a focus on giving people – especially young people – the chance to fulfil their potential through volunteering, education, and training. St John, in his time, has led the volunteer vaccination effort for England, introduced the national NHS Cadet programme and pioneered work with young people at risk of street violence.

He was Chief Executive of Depaul UK for five years, where he saw the charities work grow, especially the ground-breaking Nightstop service providing hosts for young people at risk on the streets. While at the charity Missing People, he successfully campaigned for a new missing person’s law and launched the new national telephone number for missing people. He has also held roles at the Children’s Society and served as Chair of the YMCA England & Wales board of trustees.

In June 2019, Martin was appointed as Chair of the Centre for Youth Impact which has now merged with the YMCA George Williams College, reflecting his long-term commitment and dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of young adults and children. In 2022 Martin was honoured by his alma mater awarding him an Honorary Doctor of Science in recognition of his work in the voluntary sector and his leadership in the Covid-19 response.

Martin is married to Gareth, with three grown up children and two very fluffy cats. He is a self-confessed aviation geek and flies ultralight aeroplanes.


Our Trustees

Our trustees ensure the smooth running of both charities. The Prior, the Dean, the Chief Commissioner, and the Chancellor are ex officio members of both governing bodies. 

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Our clinical team

Our clinical team ensures the first aid advice we give is accurate, and maintains standards of clinical practice throughout the organisation.

Our sister organisations

Find out more about St John International, the St John Fellowship, and our sister organisations based across the UK.

Our history and heritage

St John Ambulance is a modern and dynamic charity, but we are privileged to have a long and diverse heritage underpinning our vital work.