I’m originally from Amroha, India and I’m currently studying at Queen Mary University of London, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry.

My maternal grandmother passed away due to sudden cardiac arrest. She was quite active and would go about her day-to-day activities without any problems. One day, at around 4 in the morning, she went into cardiac arrest. She complained of discomfort in her chest and was wheezing. Following that, she fainted and due to lack of proper first aid, couldn’t be brought back to consciousness. She breathed her last breath two days later, in the ICU. It was perhaps the most traumatizing incident of my whole life. 

If I had the first aid knowledge I have now the outcome could have been quite different.

I became an Operational First Aider with St John in 2022. The first event I ever attended as a St John volunteer was a football match between Leyton Orient FC and Rochdale FC. It was the first time I had ever gone to a football stadium, the weather was nice and sunny, and the casualty I was taking care of was very kind to me. The first aiders I was working with were super welcoming, made me feel at home, and egged me on throughout the event, which I really appreciated.

It was the best first time anyone could possibly wish for and my most precious volunteering memory to date

I’m working on a first aid resource in Urdu with St John Ambulance and the NHS which shows people how to perform CPR and use an AED. The incidence of diseases like diabetes and heart disease in our community is very high. Having this resource in their language will make it accessible to our community and it will help save lives.

Becoming a first aider has boosted my confidence and made me more self-aware. I feel I have grown as an individual and I now possess invaluable skills that will allow me to provide first aid to anyone in need.

I am an asset to society and am giving back to my community in the best way possible

St John Ambulance is one of the most impactful charities I’ve come across. The difference it has made across the UK, if not the world is truly remarkable. Everyone is so supportive, loving, and considerate it is really heart-warming. For anyone who wishes to bring about a change and give back to the community while also being taken care of, St John is the best place to start.





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