Urging parents to learn first aid

Children across the country will be jumping for joy today as the vast majority of schools shut their gates for the summer holidays.

Their excitement however might be short-lived. New research reveals that nearly half of mums (43%) would be unlikely to let their children go on a cycle ride with friends.

To help change this, we launched our spoof film ‘Safety Suit’. It aims to urge millions of parents across the country not to wrap their children in cotton wool this summer, but to learn first aid instead.

According to our research, most parents (98%) think learning first aid is important. However, only 51% have actually done anything about learning it.

We want to make it as simple and easy as possible for every parent to learn first aid so they have the skills and the confidence to act if their children’s adventurous activities end up in tears.

Enjoying a safe summer holiday

Our CEO, Sue Killen, said: ‘Safety Suit is a funny film with a serious message: you don’t need to wrap your children in cotton wool to protect them.

‘Parents who learn first aid gain the peace of mind to let their children enjoy everything childhood has to offer, as well as the knowledge to look after them, whatever happens.

‘Young people should be able to enjoy an exciting, carefree summer – just taking a few minutes to learn some skills on our website will help make that a reality.’

Watch our first aid advice videos