What counts as at risk of being NEET?
This might include:
- Being excluded from school or college
- Attending a pupil referral unit (PRU)
- You received fewer than 5 GCSEs at grades 4-9 (or low KS4 grades)
- You are predicted to receive fewer than 5 GCSEs at grades 4-9 (or low KS4 grades)
What counts as NEET?
To count as NEET, all of these will apply to you:
- You are not in education. This includes being enrolled onto a course, waiting for term to start, or doing an apprenticeship.
- You are not in training. This includes job-based training, a government training programme, or any other type of training in the past 4 weeks.
- You are not in employment. This includes paid work and part-time work.
More information about what counts as NEET is available from the Office for National Statistics.
How to tell us when you apply:
There are two questions which help us see if the programme is a good fit for you:
About your education: which of the following applies to you?
There are a number of options in the dropdown menu where you can let us know about your employment, training and education status. Pick the one which fits you best.
I received poor grades or I expect to receive poor grades.
You can choose from "Yes", "No" or "Prefer not to say".
If you would prefer to let us know about your situation in your own words, please use the following section:
Is there anything else that you think would make you suitable for NHS Cadets?