Thank you for considering leaving a gift in your Will to St John Ambulance - we’re incredibly grateful. Your support can help us create a future where no one suffers for the lack of first aid. Even just 1% of the remainder of your estate could make a huge difference to funding our vital life saving work for the future.

Making your Will is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. It ensures that your money and belongings will go to the people and causes you care about when you die.

You'll find lots of information here to help make the process much easier.

To leave a gift to St John Ambulance, you will need:

  1. Our registered charity number: 1077265/1

  2. Our registered address: St John Ambulance, 27 St John's Lane, London, EC1M 4BU

We understand that some of our supporters want their gift to go to their local St John Ambulance unit or region. While this is possible, if the unit should disband, we may be unable to receive the gift - so we recommend that you make any gift to our National Headquarters. This way, we can ensure donations are spent where they’re needed most.

Some supporters may also be thinking of donating an item in their Will to the Museum of the Order of St John. Unfortunately the Museum has limited space and so we are not always able to accept items left in Wills if the intention is for them to be displayed. If you are thinking of donating an item, we ask that you or your solicitor contact us first so we can ensure we will able to follow your wishes. You can use the online form or call us on 020 7324 4159.

Get a free guide to making your Will

Full of practical information to help you understand everything that you will need to consider before making your Will, including the role of executors and how to work out the value of your estate.

Help with making your Will

The idea of making a Will might seem scary, but it’s far simpler and more affordable than many people realise.

To make a Will, you’ll need to:

  1. Calculate your assets (everything you own) and deduct any liabilities (debts, such as mortgages or loans). This will be your estate.

  2. Think about what you would like to happen to your estate and what gifts you would like to make. In addition to providing for your family and friends, you can also support a charity.

  3. You’ll also need to think about how you’d like certain matters to be handled after your death, for example, your funeral or appointing legal guardians for your children.

  4. Make an appointment with a solicitor to have your Will written.

Make your Will online for free with Bequeathed


With Bequeathed you can make a start on your Will immediately. Simply follow our steps to create a Will online.

Detailed guidance will help you to consider everything you need to think about when making a Will, and to identify any issues where expert legal advice could be valuable. 

If you want legal advice at any stage, just ask. Bequeathed will connect you to a solicitor who’ll help you to complete your Will face-to-face or over the phone. 

Start making your Will

If visiting a solicitor seems daunting or difficult, we can help.

The Goodwill Partnership

St John Ambulance have teamed up with The Goodwill Partnership to provide our supporters with an affordable and simple way to make a Will in their own home.

All home visits are conducted by trained professionals. They will pass your instructions on to a panel solicitor, who will then write your Will. If the solicitor needs to check or verify any aspect of the Will, they will contact you directly.

The cost of a single Will is only £98 (+VAT), the lowest price for a face-to-face Will writing service in England and Wales.

All solicitors in the scheme are members of and regulated by the Law Society - so you’ll know that you’ll be in safe hands.

Find out more