Thank you for taking the first step of doing a fundraiser for us!

Here at St John Ambulance, we rely on donations to help support our amazing life-saving work. The funds you raise will help support our charity in a variety of ways, such as ensure our volunteers get continuous support and training, help us procure and maintain new equipment and equip our young people with life-saving skills (alongside so much more!)

There are so many things that you can do as a fundraiser, from something traditional like a bake sale to something more extreme like a sponsored skydive, whatever you decide we’re here to help and support you!

Struggling for ideas? Whether you want something quick and simple, or you have a little bit more time to plan, we’ve come up with some fundraising ideas to get you inspired.

Looking for something you can plan and organise in a day:

  • Dress down day
  • Charity Stream
  • Sponsored activity – silence, spelling bee, headshave, giving up
  • Donations instead of presents for your birthday

Looking for something you can plan and organise in a week:

  • Cake sale
  • Quiz
  • Night in – dinner party, pamper evening, movie night, games night, karoke
  • Organise own walk
  • Raffle/Auction

Looking for something that will take a little longer to plan:

  • Charity Ball
  • Golf Day
  • Open Garden
  • Family fun day

Looking for something a little different? Check out our unique fundraisers for organising something a little different!

Have your own idea? Still not too sure what to do? Or ready to get fundraising? Our fundraising team are waiting to hear from you! Fill in the form below to get started and our team will give you guidance, as well as having access to our logos, fundraising pack and much, much more.

Got any questions? 

Get in touch with the team at or call 03331 881201. We'd love to hear from you! 

Click on the image below to hear why Megan chose to fundraise for St John
Megan ask.JPG


Tell us about your fundraiser!

Fill in the form below to get started and our team will give you guidance, as well as having access to our logos, fundraising pack and much, much more.