First aid teaching requirements for health education in schools

From September 2020, all state-funded schools in England will be required to teach first aid as part of health education for all Key Stages. This will include basic first aid skills for common injuries. Primary school pupils will be required to learn how to confidently make an emergency call and how to deal with head injuries. Secondary school pupils will be required to learn further first aid skills such as CPR and the purpose of defibrillators.

Schools that are not ready to teach the new subjects, or are unable to adequately meet the requirements because of the challenging circumstances, should aim to start preparations to deliver the new curriculum as soon as possible and start teaching the new content by at least the start of the summer term 2021.

About our first aid lesson plans and teaching resources

Our Key Stage lesson plans and teaching resources have been developed to support teaching first aid as part of health education. They have been designed to meet the new requirements for each Key Stage.

All our new resources are organised in teaching pathways for Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, and Key Stage 4. These outline a recommended order for teaching the different first aid topics to your pupils.

Where possible, our lessons link closely with the national curriculum, in particular science. This should help you decide where to include first aid lessons within your curriculum plan.

All of our new first aid lesson plans and teaching resources are free and available to download online.

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