About our webinars

We believe that there has never been a more important time to look after our mental health and wellbeing, which is why we are running free webinars throughout Mental Health Awareness Week. With reference to this year's theme of nature and the environment, we will explore how we can make small changes in our daily lives to improve our wellbeing and mental health and how to support others, with particular reference to remote working and returning to work post-lockdown.

Our webinars will run concurrently throughout the week, led by a team of our lead mental health trainers. 

During the webinar you will be provided with free access to a wellbeing toolkit which contains reflective activities and resources to support the content of the webinar, which we hope you will use as part of your wellbeing journey.

We are running the same session in each webinar, so you only need to attend one webinar. 

The topics our trainers will cover include:

  • Talking about what mental health is, why it is important and exploring where you are on the mental health continuum
  • Help to identify when you are stressed and facing burn out and explore some useful tools to help you reduce your stress
  • How to spot when you or a colleague may need support, especially around remote working and returning to work post-lockdown
  • Wellness action plans and their role in supporting wellbeing
  • Tips on how to have the wellbeing conversation with someone who may need help
  • How to flex your thinking to cope with change and adversity
  • Explore how our hormones affect our mood and how harnessing nature and the environment can have a positive impact.

Webinar FAQs

Key information:

Webinar duration: 1 hour

Time & Dates:

10am & 2pm (10, 12 & 14th May 2021)

12pm & 3pm (11 & 13th May 2021)

Cost: Free


Our mental health & wellbeing courses

Mental health & wellbeing courses
